Interregional cooperation project from the Interreg Europe program

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The aim of the project is to improve innovation policy to increase the critical level of development of innovation ecosystems in the water technology sector.

Seven regions from the Netherlands, Latvia, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Romania and the Czech Republic are involved;
One of the main outputs will be the preparation of roadmaps to achieve an increase in critical mass in the innovation ecosystem in a given sector;
The project is funded through Interreg Europe and runs from 2018 to 2023

The aim of the iWATERMAP project is to improve innovation policies to achieve the development of critical mass within the innovation ecosystem in the water sector.

Achieving a critical mass in innovation will enable regions in the future to increase their own importance in innovation development, creating conditions suitable for increasing competitiveness, growth and employment in the region.

“An example of good practice in building critical mass in the Friesland region, presented on the growth and diversification of financial resources and the Human Resources Lifelong Learning Plan, is an emerging basis for the development of interregional cooperation,” said project guarantor from the South Moravian Council RNDr. Miroslav Kubasek, Ph.D.

The project defines the water management sector as a target area. The importance of the sector lies in its ability to help meet the societal challenges associated with water resource management – water scarcity, efficiency, use in other industries, recovery from wastewater treatment, etc. The industry has great potential to generate innovative products and services that can be exported , and thus also contribute to creating growth and jobs in the region.

More information on the website www.interregeurope.eu/Iwatermap

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