Mapping the innovation ecosystem of water management

The first version of the partial output, the so-called Self-Assessment, was developed as part of the iWATERMAP project from the Erasmus + program, which actively addresses the issue and improvement of innovation policy in the water management technology sector. The live document, which will continue to be updated during the course of the project, was developed by the cluster CREA Hydro&Energy, as one of the project partners. The document is based on already prepared road maps for the sub-areas of human resources, internationalization and critical mass development.

In the presented graphics, the partial outputs of the mapping of the innovation ecosystem in the water management sector in the South Moravian region are simplified, on three main levels – the development of critical mass, human resources and international cooperation.

The document itself is based on the South Moravian Region 2020 Development Strategy political tool. The presented version shows, through the Triple helix model, the connection between individual companies, universities and the state administration in the individual activities of the iWATERMAP project. The development of critical mass and the innovation ecosystem in water management is primarily influenced by the amount of funds received, as a result of which the cluster strives for more active involvement in EU programs. The lifelong learning model, mapping the course of education of individuals in the “water” sector, helps in the development of human capital. Interregional cooperation is represented in the self-assessment by participating in the PoVE WATER pilot project, a project to develop professional excellence, or by representing the South Moravian Region by the CREA cluster in the European Water Smart Territories platform.

More information about the iWATERMAP project is available on the project website

CREA Hydro&Energy, z.s.

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