OP TAK Cluster development

OP TAK Cooperation - Clusters - Call I

Project registration number: CZ.01.01.01/07/23_011/0001296

Project implementation date: April 21, 2023 – June 30, 2026

The OPTAK Cluster Development project focuses on the development of innovative cluster as a tool for increasing the intensity of joint research, development and innovation activities between business entities, especially SME, and research sphere. The intention is to contribute to creating links between companies, research organizations, technology centers, digital innovation hubs and other support organizations, to create innovative and investment opportunities and accelerate industrial changes.

The aim of the OPTAK Cluster Development project is to strengthen the innovative ecosystem in the field of the scope of the cluster. The project focuses on strengthening the links between the SME and the research sphere and the identification and creating of interdisciplinary bonds. The aim is to strengthen the innovation capacities of the SME for the introduction of innovative solutions with an emphasis on the introduction of advanced technologies that will help them with digital and green transformation and acceleration of industrial changes. Project OPTAK Cluster Development improves knowledge sharing, improves companies’ cooperation and contributes to sustainability of the environment.

CREA Hydro&Energy, z.s.

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